Ground breaking


On September 21, 1971, Queen Juliana operates the lever during the ground breaking ceremony of the Slotervaart Hospital.

1971 photo of people

In use


The Slotervaart Hospital is officially put into use with extra attention to the elderly, chronically ill, and the indigent.

1975 photo of people

Official opening


The official opening of Het Slotervaart Hospital by Queen Juliana.

1976 photo of people

The Slotervaart saved


Het Slotervaart is saved from bankruptcy and becomes the first privatized hospital in the Netherlands.

building photo

The Slotervaart hospital taken over


The MC Group has taken over the hospital, now called MC SlotervaartHet Slotervaart Bankrupt

building photo

Het Slotervaart bankrupt


MC Slotervaart is officially declared bankrupt. A significant event that had a profound impact on the patients and staff.

building photo

A new owner


Zadelhoff becomes the owner of the former Slotervaart Hospital.

2020 photo of people